Recipe for Success - A "How To" Cookbook for
Successfully Coaching Youth Basketball
Download the book IMMEDIATELY upon completion of your order!  
It is fast and easy!
This comprehensive electronic book provides over 100 pages of plans, plays, and
structure, including:
Developing Your Team Principles and Philosophy - The recipe for a team
built on proper behavior, excellent parental communications, and peer
recognition that fuels player achievement
Conducting an Efficient Skill Session or a Successful Try Out - Are there
slots for all the potential players, or will you need to cut some players?
Provides step by step instructions for evaluating players' skills for team
Offense, Defense and Speciality Situation Play Book - Provides Offenses
that "Work Against" Man-To-Man and Zone defenses; Defenses that
shut down opponents; and Specialty Inbounding plays
Coach's Skills Teaching Guide - maps out the skills you will teach each
week of the season
Coach's Practice Guide - 20 individual Practice Plans, designed to bring to
the gym!  Each Plan includes specific drills to run a 90 minute practice
Additional Forms and Team Statistics Sheets
Only $19.95 !!
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. . . Teacher, Mentor, Coach all rights reserved.

Our "How To" Cookbook
provides you with all the
information and
structure you will need
to run a basketball team
for the season.  We
expect that you may not
actually need everything
provides in this
“Recipe for Success’
package.  Simply take
the information that
makes the most sense
for you, based on the
age and skill level of
your players.